Women Behaving Badly

Women Behaving Badly

Your morning news shows video from a women’s’ rally.  Your newspaper discusses closing the pay gap.  On your morning drive to work you are bombarded with radio programs and people in heated discussions regarding equal rights for women and assault survivors.  We are...
Update On The Pull-Up Situation

Update On The Pull-Up Situation

So my inner first grader does not want to write this blog. I feel a kind of dread similar to the feeling I would get before the “testing” in gym class for the darn fitness patch. So as I hold my breath, here is the news I am reluctant to deliver….I have yet to do a...
Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue

I noticed that it is rare for me to have the T.V. on any other channel outside of the Food Network or Animal Planet these days. I used to be an avid nightly news viewer (one more notch in the old soul belt, I know) along with at least thirty minutes of CNN during some...
Back To School

Back To School

So it is that time of year again, when my walk home from work is accompanied by the music of the locust (or cicada if you are a non-Midwesterner and want the correct term). It still to this day represents that the school year is upon us. Even I still get a little...
Show Love Always

Show Love Always

While there have been several times since the election that my heart has been saddened, nothing could touch the depth of emotion I felt after reading the trans community would no longer be allowed to serve in our nation’s armed forces.  I carried this weight for the...
Helping Someone Going Through Grief

Helping Someone Going Through Grief

So my grandpa died, and while I wanted to use the word recently, the reality is it has been six months. I knew his passing would alter my world, but even using my best therapist skills on myself, I was not prepared when it actually happened. Grief is like an amoeba-it...
To Be Or Not To Be….A Mom?

To Be Or Not To Be….A Mom?

I am officially 33 years old and while the dreaded question of having children slowed for a few years, I guess it is time for a resurgence. Since getting engaged and married eight years ago, I have felt like I have been swimming upstream by not following the societal...
Accept The Sweat

Accept The Sweat

So I want to start off by noting, this post was supposed to go out shortly after my last….but then our server decided to die and I had a Chicken Little moment-you know “the sky is falling, the sky is falling.” As some of you may have noticed there was not a cute...
Dun Dun Dunnnn!

Dun Dun Dunnnn!

It has haunted me since grade school. The pull-up. I remember each spring striving so hard to conquer the pull up so that I could finally earn the presidential or national physical-fitness patch, which at the time would have really helped me gain some “cool kid”...
Raining Chainsaws and Hammers

Raining Chainsaws and Hammers

People say bad things come in threes, but let’s get real, it is more like sevens and eights. Life isn’t easy. The large blue chairs in my office know this all too well. They get the plop, the flop, the tears, and legs that swing over the side. They hear questions like...