Reclaim Your Weekend

Reclaim Your Weekend

While the Sunday has routinely been a hard day for some, it has become a more predominant talk topic since COVID 19 here in my office.  Everyone wants to know the science or secret behind a good weekend recovery.  According to a recent survey, up to 20 percent of...


A few years after gaining my first sibling, I learned quickly I was going to have to exist differently within my family.  I learned being responsible meant being seen.  I learned becoming a people person earned me time and hard work got me recognition.  I learned to...
Holiday Blues

Holiday Blues

When a friend or loved one is going though a really hard time, the usual holiday greeting may not be quite right.  This could be because of a death, divorce, depression, financial struggles or a number of other reasons.  We tend to get hung up on “getting it right” so...
Six Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

Six Simple Ways to Practice Gratitude

I know, I know.  How cliché, a little ditty on gratitude the month of November.  That being said, I am having to exercise gratitude through patience in my own life and well, this is as much a refresher for me as it is for all of you.  Do something little but...
The Dastardly Ways Our Demons Manifest

The Dastardly Ways Our Demons Manifest

It’s about 10:30 at night, and you are in tune with about every creak and crack your dwelling is making.  This is because you are still awake.  Very awake.  No number of covers are calming the demons’ whispering thoughts of not being good enough. Turning on your...
Keepin’ It Fresh

Keepin’ It Fresh

Whether your relationship is new or you are on your 60th wedding anniversary, it’s important to remain curious about your significant other.  We, at times, forget to remain inquisitive about ourselves, our partner and our overall relationship.  No matter how well you...
Life Lessons Directly From The Jalapeno Plant

Life Lessons Directly From The Jalapeno Plant

I grew up knowing two things to be true. Coffee is always served warm and at 3:00 with a snack and having my hands in dirt made me feel grounded.  It was the 80’s and well, caffeine in small humans wasn’t quite as frowned upon as it is now.  If grandpa...
The K’s of Baseball

The K’s of Baseball

I have enjoyed baseball for as long as I can remember.  My childhood friend Andy played and was a huge Cubbies fan, my sisters and I played softball every summer and my grandfather always asked for tickets to watch the Salt Dogs play for his birthday.  While my...
Swatting Bugs

Swatting Bugs

Historically I was never one for nature.  I loved all the creature comforts that AC, a bathroom with running water and a refrigerator had to offer.  I wasn’t the kid that never went outside, but I wasn’t the kid that asked to go camping either.  Camping in my world...
Family Historian

Family Historian

I have become my family’s historian by default after my mothers’ side of the family started to pass away.  Tubs of pictures, clippings and other items were passed on to my mom and then on to me. I was in awe and a little inundated with the amount of pictures and...