Raining Chainsaws and Hammers

Raining Chainsaws and Hammers

People say bad things come in threes, but let’s get real, it is more like sevens and eights. Life isn’t easy. The large blue chairs in my office know this all too well. They get the plop, the flop, the tears, and legs that swing over the side. They hear questions like...


I’m asked often with the change into a new year whether resolutions are helpful or not. While this post could be very lengthy, I’m going to keep it simple. This should be everyone’s 2017 resolution: God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,...
Character Counts

Character Counts

Gumption. Noun. Fortitude and determination, or sound practical judgment. I grew up in a household where your character defined who you were in the world. Character is a lot of things to different people. For me they include honesty, integrity, kindness, selflessness,...
Kitchen Explosions

Kitchen Explosions

While having a very successful urban garden that I often times gloat about, it produces nowhere near the 30-60 lbs. of tomatoes I need every year. So the weekend tomato adventure started as it usually starts-a trip down to the farmers market to my tomato guy (A shout...
Time Together Over Dinner

Time Together Over Dinner

My mom is known for a lot of things, but I would have to say it is her love of cooking that she is the most famous for. Growing up, it was a house rule that dinner was always served at the table and that everyone was home during this time. While it seemed like no big...
Show Up For Your Own Life

Show Up For Your Own Life

A recent topic here in my office and oddly enough in my personal life has been just that-showing up for your own life. We shouldn’t accept a life where we float through like a ghost of ourselves. Why is it we put so many things on the back burner? Why are we scared to...
Be Your First Grade Self

Be Your First Grade Self

I’m sure most of us have at least one vivid memory of first grade. Mine would be meeting Ryan for the first time; someone that would become a long term friend and part of the “wild things” tire swing club. Yes, there were several occasions where that club should not...
Of Course You Should Interview Your Therapist!

Of Course You Should Interview Your Therapist!

Interview your therapist. I’m totally not kidding. I can’t tell you how many times a new client comes into my office speaking of a previous negative therapy experience or even just a therapist they didn’t really like. This is an extremely important part of the...
Step Away From That Cell Phone

Step Away From That Cell Phone

“Step out of your room and show me your hands free of a cell phone.” The line every parent should not only know but use often. Those that know me, know that I am probably the least tech savvy thirty-one year old on the planet. I often describe myself as a seventy-five...